Private Event – Mihaela

This is a private event for Mihaela Let's get together for a sewing party! We will be making luxurious kimono robes. There is absolutely no experience necessary, even if you have never sewn before, you will leave with a robe that you are proud of. You will need to bring: 3 yards of a knit […]


November Intro. to Sewing

This crash course in sewing will get you sewing in no time. Here you will learn the basics of pattern reading, how to handle fabric and use the sewing machine. No machine? No problem! Sew is fully equipped machines and all tools. You only supply fabric for you tote. This class is the perfect first […]


Private Party for Brianna

Come join us for a pajama party! You will make your own pajama pants. There is no experience necessary and sewing machines are provided. You only need to bring 3 yards of a cotton, flannel or stretch knit, prewashed and dried.  


Private Event Jenny Grohs

Join us for a fun afternoon of sewing as we make quillows. If you are not familiar with a quillow, it is a blanket that can be neatly folded into a pillow. There is no experience necessary, and sewing machines are provided. Guests only need to bring: 2 yards fleece for back 2 yards cotton […]


Private Party for Bethany

Save the Date Bethany is turning 13 and we're having a Sew party! We'll be making adorable elephants.

Private Party for Kenza

Join us for a little crafty fun as we make mermaid tail blankets for Kenza's birthday. There is no experience necessary and all supplies are provided.

Kids Intro. to sewing

This is an introductory class for kids 7-10. We will make a tote bag and learn the basics of sewing. Absolutely no experience necessary. Sew is fully equipped with machines and all necessary tools.  


Sewing Machine orientation

Do you own a sewing machine that you would like to learn to use? I can help you with that. I will teach you how to use, set up, clean and care for your machine. Register for your machine orientation today.


Intro. to Sewing

In this class you will learn the basics of sewing and lay the foundation for all future sewing projects. This class is great for mothers & daughters, couples and absolute beginners.


Information and techniques learned in your sewing class are the intellectual property of Sew Houston and are for personal benefit.

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